Sunday 13 August 2017

A Busy Week In LC2

It has certainly been a busy week of learning in LC2!  Our projects are well under way.  Check out what a couple of the project groups have been up to below.

Solar System Group
This project group were lucky enough to go on a visit to the Stardome on Monday.  We went armed with lots of questions we were keen to find the answers to!  We spent some time in a workshop, finding out facts about the Sun, Moon and Earth.  We also found out lots of information about all of the other planets in our Solar System.  We did a really fun quiz on iPads, searching for answers in the different galleries at the Stardome.  We ended our time in the Planetarium watching a short feature about a family of aliens looking for the perfect holiday destination in the Solar System.





The Human Body Group
The Human Body project group welcomed two experts this week.  Firstly. Christian's Mum who is a nurse.  We had all prepared a question for her to answer.  These ranged from 'How does bacteria get into the human body?' to 'What does the liver do?'  From 'How is our food turned into energy for the body to use?' to 'How do the kidneys work and what do they do?'  We all got great answers to our questions and Dannii told us in a way we could understand! Then came the best part!!  Hearts, livers and kidneys!!!!!  Not human ones but ones from animals!  We got to put on some gloves and hold them!  At first we were a little bit apprehensive but the nerves soon went away!







We also got to listen to Mason's heart beating using a real stethoscope.  



Our second expert was Sarah, Isla's Mum, who is a scientist.  We also bombarded her with lots of questions which she answered amazingly!  We looked at different types of medicines and what they are used for - medicines that we breath in, medicines that we put on our bodies like creams and lotions, medicines that come in liquid and tablet form.

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us Dannii and Sarah, we are really grateful.



The Big 4 0!
We also celebrated Reid's 40th birthday this week.

Happy Birthday Reid!