Monday 27 July 2015

Week 1 Term 3

Week 1 Term 3

Hi and welcome back to another term in Learning Common Two. This week we welcomed Louise, who is replacing Sharon in a teaching role in our common. We also welcomed Keira, a new student to Hobsonville Point Primary, we extend a welcome to her family. We also welcomed back Shay who was with us in Term 1, welcome back Shay, it is great to have you back.

We have started the term continuing our Immersion journey. The students have been enjoying exploring telling stories using different symbols in Aboriginal Art. We have followed this up with writing the story our painting tells.

Andre and his Aboriginal Art

In the middle of Australia a very hot armadillo was looking for some water. She looked and looked but couldn’t find any thing only sand and more sand. She carried on looking for it. 2 weeks later it started to get hotter and hotter. Then she came to a big hole and in that hole there
was some water. She jumped inside and drunk some. Now the armadillo always knew where to get water.
By Kate

As part of our Immersion Journey we have been learning about different types of rubbish and sorting and categorizing. We have also been thinking about what happens next to our recycling. This website has provided us with information and resources on this.

Louise has recently returned from a trip to India working in schools and training teachers over there. We have spent time looking at her images and responding to these and asking questions about their homes and schools. We look forward to where this might take us.

Our Immersion reading this week was around significant places and we have begun reading about The Seen Wonders of the World. This week our reading was about the Taj Mahal and the Colosseum. This has sparked real interest in the children, many of whom have begun their own research about these places.

We have been exploring our geometrical understanding through Tangram puzzles. These have been challenging for us and we have all spent some time in the learning pit. Some of us have really enjoyed the challenge these have offered and have moved to creating our own puzzles and shapes for our friends to solve.

Take a look at some photos from our student led workshops on Friday.

In week 2 we are looking forward to being able to being able to share our learning from last term with a wider audience at the Market Day at Hobsonville Point Secondary School on Wednesday. Come along and support us.

Louise and Kerry